In the first part of a film it is told about capital of Tibet - Lhasa, a palace of Potala, the former residence Dalaj Lam. You will see a life in city streets and in Buddhist monasteries. The second part is devoted Shigadze - monasteries of Panchen of Llamas, and also to the most ancient temple тибета - Dzhokang. In a fabric of all film the narration about pilgrimage to a sacred mountain Kailas and nearby lakes - dead and live is twisted. |
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Documentary-feature film "Tibet, a way to Kailas" from a series "Heart of Asia" by request of a film studio "the Step to Horizon" and Fund of Spiritual Culture. Authors of the scenario Evgenie Lugov, Alexander Kucherenko, operator Evgenie Lugov, director of installation Alexander Kucherenko, music Boris Grebenshchikov. Episode from the film. |
The film is narrated about dedication in practice of "Kalachakry Dalaj" by the Llama XIV in August, 2000 in Small Tibet (India). «Калачакра» - the mystical doctrine about the power over time and the space, transferred by the Buddha and kept in a Shambhala. Its Svjatejshestvo Dalaj the Llama XIV - one of few clarified учитилей has powers on dedication transfer to "Kalachakru" of Interview to «the Citizen of the World» Svetlana Urazbekovoj known healers - Emil Bagirov and Lora Fusu took. Documentary-feature film "Brilliant Kalachakra" from a series "Heart of Asia" by request of a film studio "the Step to Horizon" and Fund of Spiritual Culture. Episode from the film. ![]() |
In a film it is told about wonderful healing which has occurred in the small small village located in mountains Ladaka. About visiting of Emilem Bagirovym of Tibetan oracle Lhamo which is engaged in treatment of people coming to it and that unexpected test which Emilju Bagirovu and an ego to pupils has dropped out during this visit. Documentary-feature film "Visit to the Oracle" by request of School Emilja Bagirova. ![]() |
The mysterious highland, is more than half a year closed by snow, from an antiquity was a part of the Tibetan ethnos and a crossroads of the Central Asia. Ladakh it is translated as «the country of passes», and through these passes many centuries travellers and researchers tried to get into a forbidden heavenly Shambhala. Today, all roads and bridges, villages and mountains, however hidden presence of the Shambhala patronising the small original people are put on a card of Ladaka, is felt everywhere. ![]() |
Documentary-feature film "Ladak - road to a Shambhala" (Episode) by request of a film studio "the Step to Horizon". |
DVD video (in English) "Black Yamantaka" and "Samadhi of Milarepa" shot during IV-th international conference "Initiation of Low Tantras" with Most Venerable Drupon Sonam Jorphel Rinpoche, held from 11 to 13 April 2008 in Moscow. To view the video click on the image. ![]() |
DVD the Video film about expedition to "Sacral Egypt" which has taken place from March, 3 till March, 17th, 2007. Episode from the film. ![]() |