
Magical Passes

Preface | FirstĀ  Series | Place of Power | Up
Series of Four Interests of the Warrior
The Series for preparing Intent
The Separation of the Left & Right Body
The Series for NoGouing


Tensegrity 1, 2 & 3


Don Juan Matus, a Yaqui Indian Seer from Mexico, taught Carlos Castaneda and his other three disciples Taisha Abelar, Florinda Donner-Grau and Carol Tiggs, a wealth of movements that promote health, vigor, physical well-being, and more importantly, freedom of perception. He called these movements magical passes and explained that men and women seers who lived in Mexico in ancient times discovered them through their dreaming practices. Tensegrity is the art of utilizing these magical passes in a modern setting. The movements shown in Volume 1 comprise the first step toward becoming aware of what don Juan called the energy body: the abstract, unknown part of man that perceives energy directly as it flows in the universe.
The magical passes of Volume 2 help to redeploy energy dispersed in daily living, returning it to the centers of vitality and action in the body, making it available for immediate use: enhanced perception; and the mysterious passes of Volume 3 promote a glimpse, from a different angle, of the vibratory force that binds a human being together, the same force that, according to seers, holds a cell together and holds the stars of the galaxies in place.
What Is Tensegrity?