Here the imagination and a hand of the artist create an image of a reality whereas process of comprehension reminds reverse motion more likely, from images against which we lean in thinking to real object, step by step, leaving illusion, we restore a real picture of the validity.
Ring Channels of Amsterdam |
Blow-Up |
North Sea, Zealand |
Picture Story: |
Indian Ocean, Goa |
Vijayanagara empire |
Panoramio Foto Gallery Southern Bug |
Holy Sepulchre |
Searches and finds divine*, not in a temple, in an everyday life! In people which you surround, situations with which you face... The Ancient symbols which have become for the modern person by a riddle behind seven seals, have turned to decorative furniture of not clear appointment and property. On this web-site I represent art means vital stories in the symbolical form. Sometimes happens so that placing any element in a concrete place of page from the design (esthetic) point of view, and at first sight not having any utilitarian sense, further it appears that this element of design is the description (in the ciphered kind) the future history from own life.
* - under this word I mean manifestation of certain unknown to the modern person of forces which at ancient civilizations were personified in images of anthropomorphous deities, subjects today, first of all... to recognition. |
My journey to the Red Sea ★
Jerusalem, Old City ★
Mediterranean Sea. Eli Avivi ★
Golan Heights, Fall & Pool ★
Coast of the Dead Sea ★
Without a limit - the program of modeling Bryce 3D |
In essence black and white are the same color |
The cleared Paleozoic oranges |
Design - art designing of subjects; designing of aesthetic shape of industrial products. The dictionary of Foreign Words "Russian", 1988 |

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